Klasifikasi Cybercrime

Cybercrime diklasifikasi menjadi 2, yaitu Type I dan Type II [1]. Type I adalah kejahatan dimana komputer menjadi tarket aktifitas kriminal, sedangkan Type II adalah kejahatan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai alatnya [1].

Type I

  1. unauthorized access
  2. malicious code
    virus, worm, trojan horse, software bomb
  3. interruption of services
    disrupting computer services, denying computer services
  4. theft or misuse of services
    theft of services, misuse of services

Type II

  1. Pelanggaran konten (content violation)
    Child pornography, hate crime, harmful content, military secrets, copyrights crime, intellectual property, forgery
  2. Perubahan data atau perangkat lunak yang tidak sah untuk keuntungan pribadi atau organisasi (unauthorized alteration of data or software for personal or organization gain)
    identity theft, online fraud, privacy, sabotage, internet fraud, electronic manipulation of sharemarkets.
    Pirating (stealing, copying, or exchanging of media including software, movies, music)
  3. Penggunaan komunikasi yang tidak semestinya (improper use of communications)
    Harassment, online money laundering, cyber stalking, spamming, conspiracy, extortion, drug trafficking, social engineering fraud (cth: Phishing).
    Harassment dapat berupa Cyberbullying, Defamation, Libeling, Slander, Flaming, Spamming.

Menurut penelitian lainnya, cybercrime dibagi menjadi 4 klasifikasi [2].

  1. Kejahatan terhadap individu
    Contoh: Child Pornography, Harassment of any one with the use of a computer such as e-mail, Cyber Defamation, Hacking, Indecent exposure, E-mail spoofing, IRC Crime (Internet Relay Chat), Net Extortion, Malicious code, Trafficking, Distribution, Posting, Phishing, Credit Card Fraud and Dissemination of obscene material including Software Piracy.
  2. Kejahatan terhadap property
    Contoh: computer vandalism (obliteration of others’ property), Intellectual Property Crimes, Threatening, Salami Attacks.
  3. Kejahatan terhadap organisasi
    Contoh: Cyber Terrorism
  4. Kejahatan terhadap society
    Contoh kejahatan yang masuk kedalam kategori ini forgery, cyber terrorism, web jacking, polluting the Youth through Indecent, Financial Crimes, Sale of Illegal Articles, Net Extortion, Cyber Contraband, Data Diddling, Salami Attacks, dan Logic Bombs.

[1] Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime: Second International ICST Conference, ICDF2C 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 4-6, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Ibrahim Baggili. 2011. https://books.google.co.id/books?id=YfiqCAAAQBAJ

[2] Cyber Crime: Challenges and its Classification. Ajeet Singh Poonia. 2014. www.ijettcs.org/Volume3Issue6/IJETTCS-2014-12-08-96.pd

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